Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Impact Of Employer Brand On Recruitment
The Impact Of Employer Brand On Recruitment The human resource is a key resource available to an organisation and as such, recruitment and selection of the right candidates to join the organisation is a key factor in the success of the organisation. All possible strategies should therefore be applied to ensure that the organisation attracts, recruits and retains quality human resource. One strategy that employers can use is effective branding. This research proposal focuses on the perception of employer brand and the extent to which it can be used to enhance the recruitment and selection process. The important factors identified are the identification of perception of employer brand, the evaluation of the Impact on prospective employees of the organisation, and the extent to which the brand can be used to enhance the recruitment and of the right candidates to join the organisation. Research Objectives The general objective of the study is to determine the effect that employer branding has on recruitment and selection of employees. The specific objectives are; To establish the perception of Employer Brand among Employees and Potential Recruits. To determine the effect of employer brand on employees and potential recruits. To establish the strategies that employers can use to ensure that their brand enhances recruitment and selection. Literature Review Employer Brand Armstrong (2008) defines employer branding as the creation of a brand image of the organization for prospective employees. Armstrong (2008) thus suggests that employer branding implies employers reputation, image of the organization, employer value proposition and internal marketing. On their part, Barrow and Mosley (2005) view employer branding as the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment and identified with the employing company. The main role of the employer brand therefore is to provide a coherent framework for management to simplify and focus priorities, increase productivity and improve recruitment, retention and commitment. Barrow and Mosley (2005) list the constituents of the employer brand as; the need for recognition of individual talents and capabilities, work-life balance, remuneration inequalities and inclusive culture. According to Martin et al., (2005) the employer brand is the image of the company seen through the eyes of its associates and potential hires, and is intimately linked to the employment experience of what it is like to work for the said organisations. The employment experience is a combination of tangible factors like remuneration and benefits and intangible factors like company values and culture (Martin et al., 2005). A complementary perspective to employer branding is documented in Pinkess (2008) as an organisations Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda. From this perspective, organisations seen to engage in environment degrading activities, or dealing in products that are known to be harmful such as cigarette manufacturers face challenges of ethical concerns from potential recruits. Effect of employer brand on employees and potential recruits In the highly connected Global Village that is todays marketplace, people join brands and leave managers. Rosethorn and Mensink, 2007 argue that a brand offers a promise, and a customer buys that promise and if satisfied, continues to buy the product and speaks well about it. A good Brand delivers distinctively and consistently on this promise and the same would extend to Employer Brand; in this case the customer is the Employee or Potential Recruit (Rosethorn and Mensink, 2007). The customers of Employer Brand will therefore buy the promise as portrayed by the Employer Brand and choose to work for the Employer, and if satisfied continue to buy more by choosing to remain with the organisation, and speak well about the Employer Brand. Strategies to ensure employer brand enhances recruitment and selection of employees The future of Human Resources lies in increased awareness of Employer Brand as the War for Talent intensifies. The advent of the Web and easy access to considerable amount of information at, literally speaking our fingertips, has fundamentally changed how people seek insights and answers of where to work. This according to Saratin and Schumann (2006) defines how an organisation communicates to its current and future talent, the experience it offers as a workplace. The differentiator for many an organisation is not the mode of communication it chooses to depict itself, but the actual experience it conveys to Employees and Potential Recruits, and this reinforces that Employer Brand should be firmly rooted at the centre of the recruitment and selection process. Martin et al. (2005) expound that to attract the best talent, the organisation needs to ask itself, What is the compelling and novel story that we can tell people about working here? How do we tell the story to potential and existing employees in a way that convinces them of the reality of what we have to offer? (Martin et al., 2005). In identifying Strategies to ensure Employer Brand enhances Recruitment and Selection, Pinkess (2008) contends that there are four major steps or approaches undertaken to enhance the Employees and Potential Recruits view of the organisations Employer Brand. The first step, which is largely non-existent now, is the Do Nothing stage; in this case the organisations do nothing or the bare minimum in terms of CSR and Employer Brand Enhancement. The next stage Dont feel bad, in this the organisation is self-critical about its CSR, and has taken steps to address the concerns. This is followed by Feel Good stage, where CSR is sufficiently ingrained in an organisation resulting in pride and positive orientation of prospective recruits. At the peak of Employer Brand enhancement is the Its what we do stage, where the CSR agenda is fully integrated in the business model and employees accept it as part and parcel of their daily lives. Research Methodology The Research Objectives make it unpractical to categorically select either Qualitative or Quantitative method and as such, a hybrid approach will be adopted. This approach is explained by Saunders et al (2009) as Pragmatism that mixed methods, both qualitative and quantitative, are possible, and highly appropriate within one study (Saunders et al, 2009). Again given the nature of the Research Objectives, the research approach is necessarily hybrid, combining deductive and inductive approaches as is elaborated further in this section. Data will be collected by use of a questionnaire, where the first objective will be addressed by use of open ended questions. The second objective will make use of a likert scale and the third objective by a combination of open ended followed by scaled questions. This strategy of designing the questionnaire is based on the purpose of research as outlined by Saunders et al., (2009); that is largely explanatory, as opposed to exploratory. The Literature review has outlined the major factors in Employer Brand perception, this adds to the weight of choosing questionnaires as the preferred method of data collection. The population of the Study comprises of Employees and Potential Recruits. Given that the identification of those potential recruits who chose not to engage with the organisation as a result of their perception of the Employer Brand Communicated is not practically possible, the target population will be the Employees and Potential Recruits who have chosen to engage. The Data Collection Exercise is expected to be carried out by administering the Research Questionnaire to a random sample of Employees who have been recruited in the last twenty four months. The sample will be representative of Employees and Potential Recruits, by using Stratified Sampling of various Departments and Physical Locations. The time frame of twenty four months is selected to enable the Research address the extent of influence of Employer Brand on these recruits, in addition to considering the memory of the said recruits fading over time, and other factors clouding the recruits judgement having worked in the organisation for longer. A shorter time frame may not provide a sufficient sized sample to make the Research Meaningful. Objective 1: To establish the perception of Employer Brand among Employees and Potential Recruits. This Objective requires an Inductive approach to qualitative analysis, as expounded by Saunders et al., 2009. In this approach the research commences without a clearly conceived theory defining Employer Brand. The purpose of the Research objective is to establish the perception of Employer Brand. The theory is expected to emerge in the process of data collection and analysis. The Data thus collected will be analysed using Content Analysis. This process as explained by Adams et al. 2007 includes the identification and counting of Key Words and Phrases which are found in response to the perception of Employer Brand. The frequency of these is then tabulated for analysis. The data thus collected will be categorised into key emerging themes that define the employees perception of Employer Brand. This data will then be pictorially represented in a Histogram or Bar chart to identify the Key factors that identify the Employees Perception of Employer Brand. The process outlined above will have established the perception of Employer Brand among Employees Objective 2: To determine the effect of employer brand on employees and potential recruits. This Objective is addressed by means of scaled questions used to ascertain the impact of Employer Brand on Employees and Potential Recruits. The data collected is classified as Categorical Ranked (Ordinal) Data as described in Saunders et al. 2009. Since the relative position of each case is known, but the gap between consecutive ranks cannot be numerically precise. The Data collected will be pictorially presented in the form of Pie Charts to depict the distribution of each rank for easier visual representation. The Data collected under this Objective being non-numerical, would not be suited to the determination of the mean value, however the mode, median and percentiles would prove useful in summarising this type of data as proffered by Tharenou et al. 2007. The Data thus collected would then be tested for association between the Independent Variable (Employer Brand) and the Dependent Variable (Impact on Recruitment and Selection) by subjecting the values to a chi-square test. This test calculates the probability that the data could occur by chance alone (Saunders et al. 2009). Should the data collected, as expected, have a very low probability of occurring by chance, it would now be appropriate to test for Correlation. Correlation coefficients range from +1 denoting a perfect positive correlation to -1 denoting a perfect negative correlation. A coefficient of ZERO would denote absolute independence. (Saunders et al. 2009) However, in real life these values are seldom obtained. Values reflecting weak or strong, positive or negative correlations are obtained and the appropriate conclusion drawn therefrom. Given that the data collected under this section is Categorical Ranked (Ordinal) the appropriate test for correlation is the Spearmans rank correlation coefficient (Spearmans rho) would be applied to determine the correlation coefficient. The results of this test will have addressed the Objective of determining the extent of Impact of Employer Brand on Employees and potential Recruits. Objective 3: To establish the strategies that employers can use to ensure that their brand enhances recruitment and selection. This objective can be assessed only if the results of the Correlation testing of Objective 2 yields a reasonably strong Positive Coefficient. In the unlikely case that the analysis of the Data collected under Objective 2 yields either a Negative Correlation or Very weak correlation bordering on Independence then this Objective will be rendered redundant. There will remain no value in attempting to identify how (the perception of) Employer Brand may be used to enhance Recruitment and Selection, as the research will have intimated that Employer Brand has no positive Impact on Employees and Potential Recruits. However, under the Hypothesis that there is a correlation and the extent of this correlation is significant, the Research Questionnaire will be designed with a combination of open ended questions addressing the How and scaled questions to address the relative importance of each factor in the Recruitment and Selection process. The Data thus collected under this Objective will be subjected to Content Analysis for identification of the How as explained under Objective 1, and the scaled questions analysed in line with the Categorical Ranked (Nominal) Data Analysis steps outlined under Objective 2. This process will have addressed the Objective of identifying how (the perception of) Employer Brand may be used to enhance Recruitment and Selection. Ethical Issues As outlined by Saunders et al. 2009, ethical issues will arise across all stages of the Research Project and will affect all parties i.e. The Researcher, the Sponsor, the Gatekeeper and the Participants. The Sponsor has a right to useful Research, in this case the Sponsor will find use of the Strategies identified as part of Objective 3, that will enable the Organisation ensure the Employer Brand enhances Recruitment and Selection. In the context of this Assignment the Gatekeeper who controls access to the Participants is expected to be an integral part of the Sponsoring Organisation, and the rights are mutually served. The Researcher should not be subject to undue influence by the Sponsor at the Research formulation and design stages, where the Sponsor may have a predetermined conclusion to the research. The researcher also deserves unhindered access to Participants, without coercion from the Gatekeeper or Sponsor during the Data Collection Exercise. The access to participants as identified in the Research Design should not be restricted nor altered to include favourable participants, in order to produce unbiased results. Finally, in the Data Analysis and findings, the Researcher must be shielded from any sort of influence to interpret the perception of Employer Brand, the Effect of Employer Brand on Employees and the Strategies to enhance Recruitment and Selection. The Researcher correspondingly is obliged to analyse the Data and Report the findings without any bias and preference, and objectively present the findings i.e. let the Data collected speak for itself. Of overwhelming concerns are Ethical issues affecting the Research Participants, key among the issues are Privacy, Voluntary Participation, Consent, Confidentiality, Reactions, Effects and Objectivity. The Participants have a right to Privacy and non- intrusion in their participation. The participation in the Research has to be totally voluntary, with no coercion or influence for the Researcher or the Sponsor, and the option to withdraw from the Research remains at the jurisdiction of the Participant. The Participants also need to be assured of the anonymity of their participation, as the primary Data Collection Instrument is a Questionnaire. This ensures confidentiality of responses, and protection from any repercussion including but not limited to harm, embarrassment, discomfort or pain, for a response that may be deemed unsuitable. Finally, the Participants deserve to be treated with Respect, and with impartiality and objectivity by the Researcher, to ensure no bias or influence is experienced in the responses. Limitations The key limitation expected in this Research proposal is the access to those candidates who are not employed by the Organisation. The assumption is that the population of new employees will be representative of the total population of unselected recruits. A precautionary note needs to be made that the above assumption is countered by the fact that the Potential Recruits who choose not to engage with the Organisation will necessarily have a different perception of the organisations Employer Brand, and this data if captured will in likelihood have a considerable effect on the Final Results. Conclusion The Perception of Employer Brand, as observed in the various contributions of HR practitioners and Management Experts, plays an important role in the Recruitment and Selection of talent for an organisation. This Research is expected to produce a thorough and well documented analysis of the Perception of Employer Brand among Employees, the Impact of Employer Brand on Recruitment and Selection and the derivation of Appropriate Strategies to ensure that the Employer Brand enhances Recruitment and Selection. The Data collected and analysed as explained above will objectively enable the Organisation to draw appropriate and relevant conclusions.
Friday, January 17, 2020
How Do William Golding and Williams Shakespeare Present Disturbed Characters?
How do William Golding and William Shakespeare present disturbed characters? In Lord of the Flies Golding presents disturbed characters as savage and blood-thirsty. After his own experience in world war two, he seems to believe everybody has a savage personality and thriving which is brought out through an extreme situation. Golding uses the technique of evoking emotion from the reader through the use of innocent children committing unthinkable actions. He conveys his views through the ever growing savage characters of Jack and Roger, whereas Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a mentally disturbed character consumed with an obsession of becoming a part of the hierarchy within society. In the first chapter of Lord of the Flies Golding uses the Island as an allegorical object, presenting the general overview of society and civilisation. The Island can be represented as the Garden of Eden; an innate place of perfection to be undisturbed and civil. It seems to be an idyllic place for some time with rules and order throughout, this is up until it is corrupted and nature is changed by the boys’ savage intentions. This relates to biblical themes of the Garden of Eden once corrupted by mankind (Adam & Eve). We also see a use of pathetic fallacy, the Island in this sense is more important than anything, it foreshadows the events which are beginning to unfold. Throughout both pieces of Literature Shakespeare and Golding use religious beliefs and values; in Macbeth the uses of supernatural creatures like the witches represent a devil like figure. The strong Christian themes in the play and during Elizabethan times made them even more evil, Shakespeare conveys Lady Macbeth as the total opposite of what a women ‘should be’. She knows as a female she is limited because of her gender, she asked to be filled with cruelty which is ironic because she created the plan to kill the King. This point is significant in the quote â€Å"unsex me here†. Similarly you could argue the ‘beast’ brought to the attention of the boys by a ‘littlun’ is equally as important. Simon proposes the beast is only the boys imagination itself, although they laugh off his idea, Simon is central to the novel; he links to Golding’s point of innate human evil which exists. He is the first boy to acknowledge that the ‘beast’ is an external force of human nature. Lady Macbeth is first introduced to us as Macbeth’s loving wife, she seems thrilled to hear of her husband’s progression in social status. Her first reaction is to concoct a plan to kill the king; we are equally as shocked as Macbeth when she â€Å"pours her spirits in thine ear†. This leads us to believe she is a somewhat calculating character. Lady Macbeth then begins to develop into manipulating Macbeth, she uses blackmail such as â€Å"break this enterprise to me? †she weakens Macbeth â€Å"you were a man†implies she does not think of him as being worthy to be called a man. To some extent Lady Macbeth is to blame, as soon as she hears of Macbeth’s news her character is blinded by ambition. Similarly the three witches give Macbeth prophesies leading to the evil plan which is soon presented. The first significant change in their relationship comes when she creates a description of juxtaposition, turning a pure and natural thing into a horrific image; saying she would have â€Å"dash’d the brains out†of their unborn child. Using this hypothetic situation Macbeth is beginning to consider the consequences, she uses pronouns ‘you and I’ implying they are equally as involved and together through all of it. Golding presents the character of Jack as a developing character of savagery throughout the novel. He compares the deterioration of Jack’s civilized and well brought up mind with his lust and instinct to hunt. This is shown when the boys try and outline order on ‘their’ island. Jacks reaction to this is aggressive and intolerant- â€Å"bollocks to the rules! We’re strong- we hunt! †. Here we see that he seems manipulative towards the other characters trying to control them into following him as the leader. When the group of boys head up the mountain our perception as to Jack’s cruelty is further developed. This is shown when Jack is seen to â€Å"snatch the glasses from Piggy’s face†; â€Å"His specs- use them as burning glasses†. Golding uses this cruel streak in Jack so the reader feels sympathetic to lesser characters such as Piggy. The deterioration of civilization on the island first begins with the breaking of the conch, in the novel the conch symbolises rules, like a school bell when the noise sounds it enforces a sense of regulation and order. Secondly the fire symbolises a feeling of hope, it is the one thing that could save them and mean rescue. Contrastingly it represents destruction and corruption, it destroys the idyllic feel of the island first presented to us by Golding. Identity is a main theme in both Lord of the flies and Macbeth, Golding uses the technique of theriomorphism to give Jack animalistic qualities. For example Golding says â€Å"he passed his tongue across his dry lips and scanned the uncommunicative forest†conveying Jack as a primitive character. In other words Golding is beginning to show Jack’s impulsive and has a compulsion to kill, giving the reader an impression of his savage streak emerging. He also uses the word â€Å"uncommunicative†which literally is telling the reader the island is abandoned but foreshadows what is to come. This is an effective word choice because it gives an insight to the communication which causes their downfall. Our understanding of what is to come differs from the previous text ‘Coral Island’ the wildness of the surroundings influences changes in characters such as Jack to take natural animalistic instincts; contradicting the theme of ‘happy endings’ as conveyed in Coral Island. A link between both Lord of the Flies and Macbeth is that both involve a sense of changing identity and deterioration of characters. During Elizabethan times when Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, the ‘social-scale’ of class and stature was called the ‘divine right of kings’. External factors of society such as religion and the threat of war makes the actions of a simple Elizabethan wife seem unthinkable. From the beginning of the play onwards, the relationship of Macbeth and his wife is one of equality. Straight away we are aware that Lady Macbeth is highly respected by her husband; â€Å"my dearest partner of greatness†is how he addresses her in the letter. A change of identity is suggested to Macbeth, Lady Macbeth says â€Å"Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower But be the serpent under’t†She is controlling him, telling him to convey a normal front yet be the killer you know you are beneath. Contrastingly Jack uses paint to cover his face in Lord of the Flies, this is a primitive, tribal act in which he can cover his identity and be the hunter he insists upon. As we come to the final scenes of the play, not only can we see a mental deterioration but Shakespeare’s use of iambic pentameter conveying her as physically and mentally disturbed. During such times ‘mental illness’ was not understood and looked upon as being ‘mad’. In act 3 scene 4 she has changed completely, a doctor and gentle-women observe her as she has clearly become mentally out of control. Lady Macbeth even imagines herself with hands covered with blood, there is a stream of guilt as she shows her fragmented speech reflecting her thoughts and soliloquy â€Å"out, damned spot! I say! â€
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The USA Patriot Act Essay - 1501 Words
USA Patriot Act After the devastating attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, this country scrambled to take action to provide future protection. New techniques had to be developed to protect the nation from the menace of terrorism. Along with the new techniques came the decision to enact laws that some believed crossed the threshold of violating civil liberties this county and those living in it were guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. â€Å"On October 26, 2001, the Public Law 107-56, Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, also known as the USA Patriot Act, was signed into effect†(Stern, 2004, p. 1112). While speaking to Congress,†¦show more content†¦For example, the Patriot Act has a judicially authorized â€Å"sneak and peek†provision that allows law enforcement agencies to perform a search but delay notification for a period of up to three months (para. 2). Other provisions included giving the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the ability to share information, access wiretaps referred to â€Å"roving wiretaps†that would cover all of technology a suspect may own, access to records including banking, books, or any â€Å"any other items sought in connection with a terror investigation,†lowers the requirements to obtain a â€Å"wiretap or search order†, allows delayed notice to those whose home or office has been searched under the â€Å"sneak and peek†warrants and has â€Å"outlawed material support†to organizations considered terrorist groups (Abramson Godoy, 2006, pp. 2-4). Van Bergen (2002) website states â€Å"Many people do not know the US Patriot Act was already written and ready to go long before the September 11th†(p. 1). Critics of the Bush Administration claim the government had information that could have helped prevent the attacks of S eptember 11th. Sharing information and investigations between the agencies, FBI and CIA, was allowed to break the obstacles that once separated investigations that involving criminal and intelligence ones. Information obtained by the United States Justice Department showed the CIA had previousShow MoreRelatedUsa Patriot Act1302 Words  | 6 Pagesthe U.S.A. Patriot Act. The title for this bill is an acronym for the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA Patriot Act). In the years since the passing of the Patriot Act, there has been much controversy and debate regarding the positive and negative advantages, and consequences of this bill. As a member of the law enforcement community I have experienced firsthand some of the changes the Patriot Act has broughtRead MoreThe Usa Patriot Act2947 Words  | 12 Pagesfor terroristic activity in our backyards. 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The law took a lot of criticism because it violated constitutional right, and it created problems between individual right perspectiveRead MoreEssay on The USA Patriot Act2676 Words  | 11 PagesThe USA Patriot Act      The United States of America is a country that is based upon a principle of balancing the rights of an individual, while still preserving public order. The U.S. Constitution (specifically the Bill of Rights) guarantees every American certain Individual rights. Some of these rights include; freedom from unreasonable search and seizures, a right to due process of law, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment (The 4th, 5th and 8th Amendments). Historically theRead MoreUSA Patriot Act Essay1210 Words  | 5 Pagesbefore a violation of peoples right to privacy, are now allowed to be used without probable cause. These tools now allow the FBI to find terrorists before they commit their act of violence. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
How Bikers Are Strange - 1351 Words
Bikers are strange. They are tough, scary, and sometimes a little crazy, but coming from one, I can tell you: they are crazy in a completely sane way. Bikers are brothers, complete strangers can become best friends overnight with only the commonality of riding. Your background, your history, your beliefs, none of it matters to them. What really matters to them is whether or not you ride. I am not referring to one of the many biker gangs out there, who have terrorized the community. I am referring to anyone who rides, it could be Mary Sue who rides her little scooter to Sunday pottery class, or Big John who rides â€Å"The Hog†across the country- among all of us, for inexplicable reasons, we share a bond. I realize that it seems like I have no idea what I’m talking about, after all I do not match the typical â€Å"Biker†persona as a college freshman engineering student. I can assure you however, that I am a biker. The only official qualification is motorcycle ow nership, but there is an unusual coincidence among bikers- a characteristic that all bikers share. Something about riding a bike changes you in a way nothing else can. Bikers possess a certain maturity unlike anything else. I am not sure if it has to do with confronting your own mortality, or the feeling of freedom you get when escape the trivialities of life. I do not know if it has to do with the brotherhood you get from fellow bikers, or if the experience puts everything else into perspective, but Bikers truly are aShow MoreRelatedNotes On The Bond Bikers1705 Words  | 7 Pages Bikers are strange. They are tough, frightening, and sometimes a little crazy, but coming from a biker, I can tell you: they are crazy in a completely sane way. The bond bikers share is a strong one. Bikers are brothers, and it does not take much to create this bond. Strangers can become friends overnight with the sole commonality of riding. 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Otherworldly, impossible spinning waves tunneled through my cells. It felt like a copper truck slammed into my DNA dumping its loadRead MoreLife on the Island1826 Words  | 7 Pagescreatures grabbed and dragged him to live at the bottom of the ocean with all the seamen and sea children. Silence hung over the air as everybody turned around from those strange events. The breeze blew silently threw the trees until Tyler stood up. He talked about how we should build a civilization, while Patrize would often inquire how we should divert all our resources to mass producing Hello Kitty dolls for low wages. After much talking about our situation two leaders emerged, Jed and Tyler. Jed,Read More My Semester in France Essay1681 Words  | 7 Pagespot of jam. I packed my books and headed off for class. nbsp; As soon as I left my street, a man on a bike stared at me as he passed. Stupid American, he thought and went about his business. Walking on, I passed a bakery with numerous strange people inside getting their baguettes. They stared at me as I passed, then they all turned to one another and made various snide remarks about me. They chuckled, thinking I didnt understand anything that they were saying. nbsp; When I gotRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Methamphetamine Abuse Essay1354 Words  | 6 Pagesmeth labs can not be resold for an extensive period of time. The epidemic of methamphetamine abuse, causes devastating damage to teeth and oral tissues. Considering I want to be a dental hygienist, it important that I know what to look for, how to treat, and how it affects my patients. Methamphetamine takes the form of a white, odorless, bitter tasting 1, crystalline powder. Methamphetamine increases the amount of dopamine (involved in reward, pleasure, motor function,compulsion, and perseveration)Read More The Waffle House Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pagesonce the waitress finally arrives, casually sauntering over to us with looks of total indifference. She stuffs her loose and falling hair back up into her gaudy, burgundy cloth hat. So, whaddyallhave? she asks, waiting for us to decipher her strange and jumbled dialect. More often than not, the only reason we come here is to order what Waffle House is most famous for, and that (as if you needed to be told) is coffee. Waffle House coffee is a mystical brew with high caffeine content and an
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