Sunday, December 8, 2019
Information Technology Of AusEd Inc Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Information Technology Of AusEd Inc. Answer: Introduction: Hosting services or web hosting services generally refers to the services which are provided by the service providers for various purposes and some of the services that are included in this hosting packages involves the email hosting and many more. Hosted Applications are considered to be those applications which runs on computer owned by someone and is managed by the hosting providers by making use of the Internet (Abbasi et al. 2012). Hosted application can be categorized into several types and this can be described by making use of several titles like the Software as a Service or SaaS, Hosted terminals Services, Internet application, remote applications, online applications and many more. This report mainly discusses about the benefits and the issues that might be experienced by organizations like AusEd Inc. while procuring a service provider for hosting all its services and applications (Earl, 2012). This report also contains a discussion about the various hosting types that migh t be used by AusEd Inc. for delivering a better service to its clients. Discussion: Hosted application can also be termed as Software as a Service solution which is associated with all the users to execute and operate an entire software application by making use of the clouds. AusEd Inc. should choose a provider who is associated with managing the hosted applications by regular update and patching up with the most stable version. Along with this they should also look into the matter that regular backups are created associated with continuous technical support and customer support. Tyes of hosting that might be used by the Organization: AusEd Inc. The service provider that is to be chosen by AusEd Inc. must allow them to enjoy the access to specific software applications by taking help from the standard protocol which is also known as the Application Service Provider or the ASP. ASP is something which is associated with providing computer based services to the clients by making use of a network (Mackey and Liang 2013). AusEd must also look for a service provider who would be having a subscription based business model which means that they must contain certain options of reducing the cost effectively or looking after the management. This would help AusEd Inc. in saving a lot of time as well (Laan 2017). Two major benefits of the ASPs is that it is low of cost and also freedom from any type of headache related to management or maintenance. ASPs are also associated with the offers like full-time support, regular updates and security management. Some of the common hosting services that might be used by AusEd and what should be considerations that are to be made while selection of the vendors during usage of this services are listed below: Website Hosting: this type of hosting needs a backend resources so as get access globally by making use of worldwide web. All this backend resources are available under the web hosting services and AusEd Inc. must look into the matter that these service provider they are choosing offers services like the space of storage, space for the data center and all other essential resources (Mirheidari Arshad and Khoshkdahan 2012). They should also make it sure that the providers are also providing collocation services so as to make sure that they use the servers an all other essential hardwares on a rental basis. Some of the common website hosting that can be used by AusEd Inc. are listed below: Shared hosting: This can be used by AusEd Inc. so as to make sure that multiple websites of the organization can be hosted on a single server. In this plan the websites generally shares a common pool of resources (Wang and Qian 2012). The organization must make it sure that the service provider that they are going to choose provide this plan as well. Cloud hosting: Service provider should also be chosen according to the cloud hosting facility that they provide. This would help the organizations numerous servers to work as a collective single unit. This would allow the organization to lift the cap off the limits (Cantelon et al. 2017). The requirement for more capacity can be easily fulfilled by increasing the size of the cloud and addition of some extra hardware commodity. But there exists several challenges related to cloud hosting. But despite of that cloud hosting keeps the contents very safe. This is done by distribution of the data about the server across different redundant servers. Along with this the informations that are hosted in the cloud is excluded from the risk of losing important data due to failure of hardware (Alamdari and Zamanifar 2012). AusEd Inc. ca also customize their server if they use the cloud hosting. This type of hosting is much more reliable than any other type of hosting. VPS or Virtual Private Server: This would help in augmentation of the efficiency as the virtualization technology helps in acting as a multiple server (Han et al. 2012). This would help in partitioning of the computer resources which would be offering a better privacy for the individual clients and more security as compared to the plans of shared web hosting. Email Hosting: AusEd Inc. can buy their own domain name which would help them in using emails at their own business domain. So they must choose a service provider who allows them to have their own email domain (Wang and Qian 2012). This mail hosting would be associated with streamlining of the mail servers and this would be done by offering certain resources that are required for sending or receiving of emails along with carrying out of other activities which are related to themanagement of emails. Hosted terminal Services: AusEd Inc. is a large service which is having a multiple site and wants to work on a same database so they might take the advantage of this service. This is would be enabling the Client application to get installed on the server which is near to the database and this would be displaying the output form the application on the users desktop located at a remote site. So this would be appearing as if it was installed on the PC (Dadkhah and Sutikno 2015). Benefits of hosted applications: AusEd Inc. can be benefited in three ways by using the hosted applications and this includes the security, convenience and the cost. When AusEd Inc. makes use of the hosted applications on hosted terminal service platform business then they would be able to get all the convenience and the flexibility that would be offered by the cloud computing environment. Which means that AusEd Inc. would be capable of using all their services from any part of the world by making use of the Internet (Gampala Inuganti and Muppidi 2012). Along with this, the whole infrastructure would be maintained by the hosting service provider they choose so there is no need of worrying about the IT. The service provider that they are going to choose must be geared up fully so as to manage the whole infrastructure on a large scale along with a built-in redundancy and managed backups, updates, patches as well as anti-virus. In case of making any type of changes there is only need of making changes in the server not on every PC which would be saving time and money as well (Hobfeld et al. 2012). By use of the Hosted applications there hardly exists any type of up-front costs. Hosted applications are very easily deployed as compared to that of the conventional software due to the fact that there is no need of upfront installations. Along with the there is also a minimal requirement of integration and this would be helping AusEd Inc. a lot in moving forward toward sits business. The risks due to corruption of the local systems also becomes low due to the fact that all this application are designed in such a way that they can be accessed only by the use of web browsers and the operating systems. Conclusion: The report helps in concluding to the fact there is an essential need of considering certain aspects while procuring service provider while hosted application service. There exists numerous amount of choices for this organization and certain questions needs to be asked to the service provider before using their service. Some of those questions includes asking the service provide for demonstration of another similar deployment which AusEd Inc. wants, asking the service provider if they have an option of trying before using so as to understand the whole thing, Does the service provider offers any type of contractual flexibility and price protection, if the service provider is having a Service-Level Agreement and if they are having a history of Service-Level Performance or not, if they offer Operational Transparency or not, if they Offer Multitenancy, if they are having any type of Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan or not, if they meet all the critical security and the compliance req uirements or not, if AusEd Inc. is capable of configuring the solutions provided by the service provider or not and lastly if the service provider provides any type of Robust integration or not. But the best way of hosting the application is by making use of cloud hosting which is very much popular as well as cost effective and the issues rising due to various threat can also be tackled in a very easy way if the cloud service provider remains updated and cautious at all times. References: Abbasi, Z., Mukherjee, T., Varsamopoulos, G. and Gupta, S.K., 2012. DAHM: A green and dynamic web application hosting manager across geographically distributed data centers.ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC),8(4), p.34. Alamdari, J.F. and Zamanifar, K., 2012, December. A reuse distance based precopy approach to improve live migration of virtual machines. InParallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2012 2nd IEEE International Conference on(pp. 551-556). IEEE. Cantelon, M., Harter, M., Holowaychuk, T.J. and Rajlich, N., 2017.Node. js in Action. Manning Publications. Dadkhah, M. and Sutikno, T., 2015. Phishing or hijacking? 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